Special report: ship's papers & documentation on board

Here we are all the documents you need to enjoy your boat without risking hefty fines

Spring is coming. The weather begins to be friendly and we can't wait to give in to the pleasure of sailing away. It's all ready to set sail aboard the boat just checked: the galley is arranged, the sails are ok, the sunscreen is in the bag. And then, at that very moment, you're overcome by hamletic doubts : " What are the personal documents and the ship's papers to be carried on board? ". No panic, INMARE is here to make a point and remind you what is the documentation you need to go to sea without fearing hefty fines.


boat documents
Sailing in Italian waters the documents to be shown in the event of a police check are:

- marine engine/ engines power measurements declaration
- certificate of insurance
- ship radio operating license and SRC (Short Range Certificate is the minimum qualification required by law to control the operation of VHF and VHF Digital Selective Calling equipment, required for navigation over 6 miles)
boat license, if mandatory and the vessel is registered
navigation license
- safety certificate

We remind you that the boating license is always required for navigation beyond 6 miles, regardless of the engine power and capacity. As for non-CE vessels, for navigation between 6 and 12 miles, it's necessary a certificate of competence for navigation within 12 miles issued by a recognised organisation, or a copy of the Type Certificate declared as conforming to the original form which shows that the unit is enabled to navigate over 6 miles; or even the original certificate of the Shipping Registry, for units previously registered and enabled to navigation over 6 miles. In Italian seas, all documents can be kept on board in certified copy. The authentication can be performed not only by a notary, but also by an official registrar.


Boat papers
As for navigation in international and foreign waters the documents are the ones listed above, but remember that they must be in their original form as certified copies are not recognized. For vessels it's recommended to have in place, ready to be provided, the insurance policy, containing the name of the owner and the boat sales invoice. If the the vessel is used by a person other than the owner, or the insurance is registered to another person, a statement of the owner/  the policyholder given to the boater is enough. If your destination is a extra EU country, before departure, is necessary to go to a Border Maritime Police office to fill out the appropriate form reporting the boat registration data, the passengers and crew's personal details and the references of the documenst valid for travel abroad. You have to indicate the port, the departure date and the port of destination, so the Border Maritime Police can stamp and sign the exit document in line with the directive's expatriation stipulations. It's advisable to communicate the return to your country too.

ship papers
Concerning foreign countries destinations it's also recommended to ask at your local health authorities the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This card allows you to benefit of health services previously covered by E110, E111, E119 and E128 models. However, there are places abroad where the EHIC card is not yet customary, and it's better to have the E111 form whit you. Checking with your local health authorities it's always a good practice. Extra-EU countries sometimes require additional documents to those laid down in your local regulations, so we recommend to ask the local Consulate of the country of destination to obtain more accurate and updated information relating to entry, transit, period of stay and exit from the territorial waters of the host country.

Here we are! Now you can sail with a clear conscience!
